
Deeper library knowledge



Library does not provide any built-in cache, but there is an interface UniMapper\Cache\ICache you can use with following predefined methods:

  • load ( mixed key )
  • save ( mixed key, mixed data, array options ) = [] )

Options should be implemented in save() method.


You do not anything special, just register your cache on every repository and library takes care about reflection and queries caching automatically.

$repository = new SomeRepository;
$repository->setCache(/* Your cache instance */);


Sometimes you need to tell how long is your data in cache valid or add some common tag, file dependencies, whatever else. For these purposes every cache keeps some predefined unique constants with these options.

For example we have a query that should be cached and we want to add some tags and time expiration.


    ->cached(true, [
        UniMapper\Cache\ICache::TAGS => ["tag1", "tag2"],
        UniMapper\Cache\ICache::EXPIRE => ["20 minutes"]

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